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末 日 之 愛



再談到《 末日之愛》的物件呈現,令人愉快的,大量的白色鵝卵石充斥著整個地面,呈現單純統一的美感經驗,規矩著海洋系統的自然排列,當主體正預備著想像這些鵝卵石的來源與故事,卻會發現這唯一可讀的物體,產生存有物事實與外觀的分裂狀態。

《 末日之愛》是一件具有反身性思考的作品,沈重的大海像鬼魂一樣虛幻。應該堅硬的石頭,卻是一捏即碎的保麗龍。作為影像卻反敘事與時間軸,作為視覺藝術卻反叛視覺。

《The end of love》The image is not a still photograph, it is a video. When watching a photograph, people have a perception of time:  I am in a temporal circumstance outside of this photo, as if watching fossils trapped in amber; If we are watching a video, there is a perception of time: I am in a temporal circumstance outside of this video but there is a time line moving. The majority of video is displayed in this way (if the video has a narrative), however in《The end of love》there is no story or narrative, not even a spindrift. The video's scene is frozen so the audiences can engage with this video.

Therefore, this work is based on the audience’s inertial concept of videos. The audience will feel unsettled with the video within the white cube space, being from a

generation used to encountering intense visual stimulation.


Further, the object displayed in《The end of love》comprise numerous white and beautiful rocks covering the floor, but audience will discover that those rocks which feel like natural objects are in fact polyfoam.


《The end of love》is a work with conceptual reflexivity; the original sea should be heavy but this sea is light like a ghost; the original rocks should be hard but those rocks are fragile polyfoam; The video should be have a time-line but it doesn't.  



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